Writing a Good Letter of Introduction for a Teaching Job
Your first step to a rewarding career as an educator starts with securing a teaching position. One of the most important parts of your application for a teaching position is your letter of introduction. If you have never written a letter of introduction, or this is your first time writing one for the field of education, you may not be sure where to start. No worries! This article will cover the basic components of a letter of introduction for a teaching position and some things you should avoid doing in your letter.
The Role of the Letter of Introduction in Getting a Teaching Job
A letter of introduction is a letter that introduces yourself and your qualifications to a potential employer and is a key component of your application when you are seeking a teaching job. This letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the school and explain why you would be the ideal candidate for the position. Along with your resume, credentials, letters of recommendation, and application packet, the letter of introduction is one of the key documents that a hiring panel will look at. In fact, and especially if you are a new teacher or new to the field of education, your letter of introduction could arguably carry the most weight in influencing a hiring manager to interview you.
Once you have achieved an interview, be prepared to talk more in-depth with a hiring panel regarding your letter of introduction. Often, members of a panel will look closely at your letter and take notes prior to the interview. They may have questions regarding your experience, motivation, and other factors you wrote about in your letter. You should always enter an interview with the expectation that you will be asked to elaborate on specific points in your letter of introduction.
What Makes a Good Letter of Introduction?
In order to write a good letter of introduction, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Below, we will cover important components of a good letter of introduction.
Specific v. Generic
First, make sure that you tailor your letter specifically to the school that you are applying to. Generic letters will not make a good impression. Your heading should include the school or district and the open position to which you are applying for. You should begin your letter by stating that you are applying to the specific school or district for consideration for the specific open position. A hiring panel can easily tell the difference between a candidate who took the time to tailor their letter for their organization versus a candidate who used a generic letter of introduction. Tailoring your letter to the organization shows that you are willing to take the extra steps necessary to contribute to the organization itself, and can often set you apart from other candidates.
Highlight Your Why
When you’re writing a letter of introduction for a teaching job, it’s important to highlight your “why.” Why do you want to be a teacher? What are your motivations? Why are you drawn to this particular school or district? Answering these questions in your letter can help you stand out from the competition and make a strong case for why you’re the best candidate for the job.
Sell Yourself
Highlight your most relevant qualifications and experiences in your letter. Be sure to mention any special skills or training that you have that would make you a good fit for the job. Describe your qualifications for the job. Include information on your teaching experience, education, and any special skills or credentials you have. You do not need to go overboard here, but it should be clear to the hiring committee why you are qualified.
Proofread, Proofread, Proofread
A well-written letter of introduction can be undone by careless mistakes like typos or grammatical errors. Be sure to proofread your letter before you send it off. After all, you are applying for a role where you will expect your students to produce the same quality of work. It is important that you model the way and that the hiring committee sees that.
Be Enthusiastic
Finally, express your enthusiasm for the position and show why you would be the best candidate for the job. You want the hiring committee to feel your passion through your writing.
By following these tips, you can write a strong letter of introduction that will help you get the teaching job that you want.
General Structure of a Letter of Introduction
Now that you have a better idea of what to include in your letter of introduction, here is a basic outline of how to include everything:
Paragraph #1
Start by introducing yourself and explain why you are applying for the job. This paragraph should hook the person reading it. After this paragraph, whoever reads it should have a good understanding of your why.
Paragraph #2
In the next paragraph, describe your qualifications for the job. Include information on your teaching experience, education, and any special skills or credentials you have.
Paragraph #3
In the final paragraph, explain why you would be a good fit for the position and what you can bring to the school. Be sure to thank the employer for their time and consideration.
What Not to Include in a Letter of Introduction
When you sit down to write a letter of introduction for a teaching job, there are certain things you should be considerate of. Here’s what to consider avoiding in your letter of introduction:
Don’t Make it Too Long
A letter of introduction should be just that – an introduction. It’s not the time to go into great detail about your qualifications or experience. Keep it short and to the point.
Don’t Ramble
Along the same lines, don’t let your letter of introduction turn into a rambling, stream-of-consciousness type of thing. Stick to the main points you want to make, and be sure each sentence serves a purpose.
Don’t Get Too Personal
A letter of introduction is not the time to share your life story or get into all the nitty-gritty details about yourself. Keep it professional and focused on why you’re the right person for the job.
Why a Good Letter of Recommendation Matters
A good letter of introduction can make a big difference when you’re applying for a teaching job. By following the tips above, you can make sure your letter makes a positive impression and helps you get the job you want.