Inspiring Educators: Weekly Roundup 12/3/18
Sometimes being a good teacher means getting kids excited about learning, and sometimes it means pulling an all-nighter when students get snowed in at school…not a scenario you’ve faced? This week, read about a teacher who raises money for playground equipment by running, a teacher who uses his enthusiasm and youtube channel to help kids enjoy learning math, and the educators of West Orange New Jersey who rallied together when students were kept at school overnight during a snowstorm. Are you an educator? Who has inspired you? Let us know on Twitter @enrichingedjobs!
Hillsdale Schools are taking action to build self-esteem in students, and create a safe, respectful environment for its students. In addition to covering the school walls with messages that encourage and inspire, each student has been asked to identify an adult in the building they can go to if they need to report anything, or simply just talk to. The school overall is making an effort to keep the conversation going about bullying, preventing it, while trying to help build students up. Learn more about their efforts, and specifically what they are doing to inspire their students.
Eddie Woo is a math teacher from Australia who makes it his goal, not just to help students understand math, but actually enjoy it. In fact, he’s known as Australia’s favorite math teacher, and has over 411,000 subscribers on his Youtube channel, and has published a book. How do students feel about his take on mathematics? Find out and get the fully story here.
A teacher from England is raising funds for her school by running. She wanted to raise money to help update her school’s playground equipment, including a swing that would be wheelchair accessible for students. She has already raised enough money for the swing, and now is encouraged to keep running to raise even more for the playground. Her efforts have actually started a group of runners at the school, who call themselves ‘Canter with Banter,’ and plan to raise even more money for their school. Read the full story here.
Teachers in New Jersey’s West Orange School District had to think on their feet when bad weather trapped students in a few of its schools — overnight. How did they handle the situation? By sacrificing their time and energy to make students feel safe and comfortable. Teachers went into action, providing snacks for students, activities, and places to rest. Teachers took shifts throughout the entire night to make sure students had what they needed. Read about these remarkable teachers and everything that went into this experience, and also check out this collection of inspiring stories from other Essex County New Jersey educators.