Inspiring Educators: Weekly Roundup 12/24/18
This week’s stories come from all over the country, from a passionate elementary school principal who’s dedicated to being there for students, to an Oklahoma teacher who’s fought cancer and inspired staff and students alike. Who inspires you? Let us know on Twitter @enrichingedjobs. And enjoy the following stories!
A Detroit teacher took the initiative to help kids be healthier and more engaged. How? By teaching them how to garden. His program has resulted in a large garden at the school, even contacting local restaurants who are looking to source organic produce. In addition, his program is making an effort to reach special education students. Some students do the physical work outside, while others assist, learning to seed, grow vegetables indoors, and more. Read about how he reaches out to students with this program, and creatively gives them opportunities that enrich their learning.
In Oklahoma, one teacher at Southeast High School has inspired students in the face of a difficult battle. Diagnosed with breast cancer, Elizabeth Kim Brooks was determined to fight and keep supporting her students as best she could. Even in the midst of her chemotherapy, she would come to school when she could, and when she couldn’t, she would take phone calls from students to help them. Watch this inspiring video to see what her students have to say about her, and how her school proved to be like a family that rallied to help her through.
Massachusetts Elementary School Principal of the Year Craig Martin doesn’t take his job lightly. He’s ‘all in.’ “This is a calling,” Martin says, “I honestly feel like you have to make decisions that you are all the way in with this.” His enthusiasm and sincere desire to help kids get results and inspires. He has a caring, dynamic personality that reaches kids and helps them feel loved. Read more about his approach, and watch the video to see Martin in action.
Akbar Cook is a principal at West Side High School in Newark, New Jersey. At this school, Cook noticed a problem. Some students couldn’t afford to wash their clothes, and as a result, were getting bullied about their appearance, and 85% of students were missing school because of it. Cook tried to remedy the issue a number of ways, but decided to take a further step. For this school year, a laundromat facility has been added for students in need to wash their clothes.